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We are in the golden age of software. There is so much software available now that it has become almost a commodity, for which we pay with our data, money, or, in some cases, nothing at all.
Software teams are often composed of young professionals with varying levels of experience and expertise. Even though software has become somewhat "standardized," it is nowhere near the level of process standardization found in more mature fields like automotive or construction engineering. This leaves room for developers to implement features in numerous ways. The advantage of this is innovation; the downside is the risk of "reinventing the wheel" poorly. Gather a team of software engineers and ask, "How would you implement X?" and you’ll likely receive different answers from each of them. Always aim for the fastest, most cost-effective, and easiest-to-implement path. In today's competitive software landscape, speed is crucial.
Always consider using open-source packages or paid services to accelerate the development of your software product. In a software project, many common services are needed, such as authentication, subscriptions, notifications, etc. For example, if you are building a data app, consider purchasing a dashboard template from,, or any other template marketplace. You will most likely need authentication, a database, background processing tasks, payments, etc. Consider using an open-source Backend as a Service (BaaS) like or In short, for every feature you need, conduct thorough research before starting implementation. Weigh the pros and cons of each service or package and determine which one is the best fit for your use case.
As soon as something becomes popular and widely used, there will inevitably be a vocal minority complaining about it (see Jira). That doesn’t necessarily mean the software is bad. In most cases, it's a subjective perspective or a niche use case that only 0.00001% of users care about. There will always be bugs, and limits will always be reached. However, the goal is to minimize the essential components needed for the "machine" to function smoothly. And that’s a good thing! It means your software is being used and is valuable. Rarely will a popular software application have no issues. Like in democracy, does the software satisfy the needs of the majority? If yes, it’s good software. If a small group of users demands something different that requires significant investment in time or money, they should be charged accordingly.
Think of building software like assembling a puzzle with some missing pieces. If one piece is lost, don’t rebuild the entire puzzle from scratch.
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